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Planning Board Minutes 8-3-2017

August 3, 2017
Public Hearing

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair),   Colleen Giffin (Staff), Steve MacDonald (Member),
Janet McEwen (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio)

Members Absent:  Lynne Rosansky (Member), Bob Holmes (Member),  
Public Present: Michael Caswell, Pam Caswell  
Applicants: Timothy Goldthwaite & Tom Carr-Meridian Land, Tom Humphrey
& Mike Lindberg-Monadnock Hospital,
7:00 PM  Public Meeting:

Please be advised that on Thursday, August 3, 2017 at its regular meeting beginning
at 7:00 P.M. the Planning Board will review an application for a site plan review from
Monadnock Community Hospital to construct a 1,326 square foot addition to its
existing health clinic located at 12 Elm Street, Tax Map 102, Lot 67 in the
Village Business District.  Should the Board find that the application is
complete, the Board will move immediately into public hearing on the
merits of the proposal.  Should a decision not be made at this time,
this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until it is either approved or disapproved.
At 7 pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Mr. Condon asked the Land Use Assistant, Ms. Giffin to read the Public Notice.
The Public Notice was read.  The Chair asked it the Public Notice had been
properly posted. Ms. Giffin stated the notice had been posted on the
Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office bulletin board, The Villager newspaper,
and the Town of Antrim website. The Chair asked if the Abutters were notified
and if there were any responses. Ms. Giffin stated that the Abutters were notified and there were no responses.

  • Chair Condon asked The applicant will have a privacy hedge of at least four (4) feet installed along the edge of the lower parking lot on the east side of the property.
The applicant will submit written notification from the Antrim Water and Sewer Department that the existing utilities can accommodate the proposed expansion.
  • The plat will be revised to include the two additions noted above; in addition, a note regarding the approval of the Antrim Water and Sewer Department will be added to the plat.
the Consultant Planner to read her Staff Report.  The only concerns Ms.Ogilvie had were the non- classification
of Elm St. from Meridian Land Services. She also noted that they did not ask for any waivers for items not relevant on the checklist.
Chair Condon reviewed the checklist and asked for comments from the Board.
He stated that he would read the checklist line by line if any wished to review the checklist line by line. No such request was made.

 Ms. Cahoon made a motion to accept the application as complete, Mr. MacDonald seconded.  All were in favor.
Mr. Condon opened the Public Hearing and asked the applicant to make their presentation.

Tom Humphrey spoke on behalf of the hospital.
Mr. Humphrey made a Point of Clarity from the Site Plan Drawing stated the new building will be
1326 square feet when in fact it will be 1501 square feet gross
Mike Lindberg discussed the need for the expansion of the clinic. He stated that this facility will
be the “gem” of Monadnock Medical group with its state of the art equipment. It will meet all the standards of care.
Timothy Goldthwaite spoke on the repairs to the old parking area, the installation of the new lot,
the over haul of the basement level and the improvement of the handicap ramp. They will also
make all of the rooms accessible to as outside ramp for easy ambulance pic-up if need be.
Right now patients in need of emergency care are wheeled through the main lobby past
everyone in the waiting room.
He also stated that the entrance into the parking lot was sufficient so that no new curb cut
would be necessary, so no driveway permit was needed. Mr. Goldthwaite also stated that he
had spoken to the Water& Sewer Department and there would be no changes needed there either.

He asked for abutters in favor or opposed to speak.  

Mr. Caswell spoke as an abutter stating he lived right below the medical center and he was
concerned with the new parking area that the water run-off and new parking would cause
problems for his home and family. He also spoke of several dead trees that needed attention
and wanted to know what sort of plans, if any Meridian had for these.
Mr. Goldthwaite stated that they could put in an infiltration trench around the new parking
area that would catch the rain run-off and direct it to the back of the property where there
are no houses and it can run off without disturbing anyone’s property. The new parking lot
will bring vehicle headlights nearly level with the Caswell’s windows and Meridian suggested
they could put shrubs in after removing the dead trees. This would help with the lights and
would be a vegetative barrier that would also help with any possible water run-off.

Chair Condon closed the Public Hearing to public input.

Chair Condon asked if any of the Board had any more comments to express before they close
the hearing.
Mr. Edwards is concerned about the lighting issues, dead trees and water run-off. Mr. MacDonald
is in full agreeance with the expansion. Ms. Cahoon is in support of a natural vegetative barrier,
Ms. McEwen is concerned about water run-off, the box left blank on the application next to the written approval of the water & sewer department.
Discussion ensued about these topics.
The Board then discussed conditions. Before the Notice of Decision will be signed, the
Board would like something in writing from the Water & Sewer Dept. about this project.
Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion for a condition for the Notice of Decision;  
The applicant will have an infiltration trench installed along the eastern property
line abutting the Caswell property.(amended) This will go on a revised plan that will have to come before the Board. Ms. Cahoon seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Edwards yes, MacDonald yes, Cahoon yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes
Motion for condition passed.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald made a motion for a condition to state; The applicant will have
a privacy hedge of at least four (4) feet installed along the edge of the lower parking lot on the east side of the property.(amended) Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Edwards yes, MacDonald yes, Cahoon yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes
Motion for condition passed.
Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion for a condition for the Notice of Decision;  
The applicant will submit written notification from the Antrim Water and Sewer Department that the existing utilities can accommodate the proposed expansion.   

The plat will be revised to include the two additions noted above; in addition,
a note regarding the approval of the Antrim Water and Sewer Department will be added to the plat.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald made a motion to accept the application with the
conditions that the Board has voted on upon acceptance on a revised plan.(amended) Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Business Meeting
Approve July 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the meeting minutes of July 20. Mr. Edwards seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Approve July 26, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the meeting minutes of July 26. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Discuss Stone Church Site Walk
The Board discussed how simplistic drawings should be allowed to be considered plans for an application.
Discussion about authorization from building owners or their agents needs to
be on file in case of any future questions about who had or gave permission for the work to be done.
Mr. Edwards feels that a standard needs to be met that more is needed then
pictures just drawn and colored in that will fade within a few years and the plans
will be unreadable.    
There needs to be more details on the plans, such as the
grade of the slopes and storm water drainage, so the Board understand why they made the decisions they did for any future issues.
Questions were raised from the Board about property ownership and who can and
who should have the right to make changes to not only the property, but the buildings
on the property. Ms. Ogilvie pointed out that on the Major site plan review application there is a line that requires an answer from the property owner or the owner appointed agent.
The Board was concerned about Dario Cararra, the Building Inspector, giving out building
permits to non-property owners or agents without some sort of written permission given beforehand. Mr. Edwards was concerned it might come back against the town at some point.

Ms. McEwen made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting adjourned  8:07 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Staff